Parish Groups
There are many groups and associations in our parish. Some of these relate to the liturgical life of the community, while others are concerned with devotions and the pastoral outreach of the parish. All groups would warmly welcome new members.
Liturgy Group
Liturgy, with its recurring rhythms and movements, is to draw us into a deeper experience of God.
​Co-ordinator: Karen Morris
The responsibilities of a Parish Liturgy Group include: preparation, coordination, formation and evaluation.
The Liturgy Group will next meet on Monday 27th January at 7pm in the Chapel House - All are welcome!
We will use this time to think about preparations for Lent and Easter as well as our regular liturgies and celebrations.​​​
The ministry of the word calls us to be servants of the Living Word of God.
​Co-ordinator: Claire Thomson
Rota for the next four weeks
18th/19th January: 6pm - Anne McKelvie 11am - Anne Doig
25th/26th January: 6pm - Karen Morris 11am - Sheena Savage
1st/2nd February: 6pm - Mary McGinley 11am Family Mass
8th/9th February: 6pm - Anne Horan 11am - Patty Stewart
Therefore welcome one another as Christ has welcomed you, for the glory of God. (Romans 15:7)
Co-ordinator: Alan Morris
Rota for the next few weeks
18th/19th January: 6pm - Karen & Alan Morris 11am - Aileen Baird
25th/26th January: 6pm - Mary & Kathleen McGinley 11am - Claire Thomson
1st/2nd February: 6pm - Stephen & Matthew Egan 11am - Alan Morris
8th/9th February: 6pm - Karen & Alan Morris 11am - Aileen Baird