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St. Joseph's Helensburgh

41, Lomond Street, Helensburgh G84 7ET (Tel 01436-672-463)

 Parish Administrator: Rev. Fr. Gregory Zungdet


Masses: Vigil, Saturday at 6pm;  Sunday, 11am

Weekday Mass: Usually Monday - Friday at 10am (Friday 24th Jan - Requiem Mass at 10am)

Confession - each day before mass or other times by arrangement. 

Second Sunday in Ordinary Time - 19th January 2025


We are delighted to have Fr Greg back with us after his holidays and hope he is well rested and ready for the year ahead.



Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament will resume each Tuesday and Thursday from 9am until the 10am Mass, from this week.



​​Last week’s Special Collection for LEPRA was £324.71 - thank you.
Our Christmas Crib Donations totalled £151.40. This will be forwarded to Saint Margaret’s Children & Family Care Society where we know it will be gratefully received.


Next weekend there will be a second collection for ASSISTED PARISHES. This helps the Archdiocese to financially support parishes that are struggling and would otherwise be unable to meet ongoing commitments within their parish community.


Grateful thanks to you all for your continued support and generosity, both in the regular weekly collections and the various additional offerings.



Anyone wishing to order a copy of the new missal can do so via the Repository. Please be aware that demand across the country is high and so we are not expecting any more deliveries until February. Thank you for your patience.



Our Youth Ministry will soon be launching a Young Adults Group (for those aged 18-30) and a Youth Group (for S1-S6 pupils). We'll share more information about plans and first meeting dates in January. If you are interested, you can join the WhatsApp group by scanning the QR code on the noticeboard. In the meantime, please keep those leading this important ministry and all our young people in your prayers.​



The next meeting of the Liturgy Group will take place on Monday 27th January at 7pm, meeting in the Chapel House. This will be an opportunity to reflect on the last few months, to start thinking about preparations for Lent and Easter, and to give some thought to other opportunities for liturgical and spiritual development.



The Holy Year of Hope began on December 24th, Christmas Eve with the opening of the Holy Year Door by Pope Francis. There is more information about the year on our Holy Year 2025 page or on the Vatican's Jubilee website and the Jubilee Prayer has been added to the 'Sunday Reflection' page on the website. 


Grateful thanks to parishioners for the very generous food and cash donations received in December and throughout the year. Thanks also to the members of our parish community who volunteer their time helping at the Foodbank and the Foodbank Store. 381 Food Bags, each containing 5 days food supply, were given out to single and family households in December. This included 143 containing special Christmas and New Year food, cakes, biscuits and festive food treats for parents and children. Most needed in January is Cartons of Long Life Milk and Tins of Meat, Vegetables, Fruit and Rice Pudding.​


We remember in our prayers​​

  • all the sick of the Parish, including Janice Keeper, Margaret Cavana Mckechnie, Maxine Widdop, Lesley O’Neill, Janet O’Neill.

  • the recently deceased, especially Peter Long, Paul Crombie, Jim Garry, Margaret (Jo) Martin, Marcelle Louise Merrigan.

  • all those whose anniversaries occur about this time, especially John McCaffrey, David Wilson, Matthew Thomas Crawford.

The requiem mass for Peter Long will be held in St. Joseph's at 10am on Friday 24th January.​


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