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St. Joseph's Helensburgh

41, Lomond Street, Helensburgh G84 7ET (Tel 01436-672-463)

 Parish Administrator: Rev. Fr. Gregory Zungdet


Masses: Vigil, Saturday at 6pm;  Sunday, 11am; (From this Sunday, no 9am Mass)

Weekday Mass: usually at 10am - this Friday at 9.30am

Confession any time by request 

Twenty-Third Sunday of the Year, 8th September 2024


On Friday of this week, Mgr. Hughes relinquished office as Parish Priest in compliance with the wishes of Archbishop Nolan. His Grace enacted the prescriptions of Canon Law in this regard. While saddened at his departure from the Parish, Monsignor has expressed his profound gratitude for all the graces and blessings that have been experienced during the past nine years. He has written some words of farewell which can be read on the home-page of the website. A copy was given to all who attended Mass last weekend.

(For information, Monsignor's new address will be: Apt 1/8, Nazareth Apartments, 1647 Paisley Road West, Glasgow G52 3QT)

While one Pastor departs, another takes up the baton and we warmly welcome Fr. Gregory Zungdet to the Parish. We wish him well and assure him of our prayers and support.



We have already indicated that Fr. Greg will not be able to sustain the 9am Mass, as he has a commitment also to celebrating Mass in St Gildas' Rosneath. (See notice below from last week.)

To further ease the transition from one parish priest to another, the Collections at Mass will also be simplified. From this Sunday, we will revert to the 'Bag- Collection' that was the norm before Covid. Red bags will be used for the Offertory Collections, and if there is a Second Collection, the Blue bags will be used for this. The bags will be passed round and then placed in the Sanctuary to symbolise our support of the Church. Those who use the envelope system or who contribute by Standing Order / Gift Aid, should, of course, continue to do this. 



After the 11am Mass, there will be an opportunity to have coffee and exchange a final conversation with Monsignor before his departure at the end of the week. Please feel welcome to share this moment.



 The Children's Liturgy has re-commenced. We look forward to welcoming the young people to their special celebration of the Liturgy of the Word in the vestibule of the church. Please encourage the little ones to particiate in the liturgy in this joyful way.


Mass on Friday of this week will be at 9.30am to facilitate the attendance of the pupils from our Primary School.



 As is now well known, Fr. Greg will take over the pastoral care of St. Gildas', Rosneath as well as St. Joseph's. Covering Masses for both churches will necessitate some changes. In order for the priest to be able to celebrate Mass in Rosneath, it has been necessary to cancel the 9am Mass in St. Joseph's. The Archbishop has given permission for such change to be put in place from Sunday, 8th September. There will be a Vigil Mass as usual at 6pm and then only the 11am Mass on Sunday. It may be, as time goes on, that further changes will be considered. 



After a very considerable period of time, the church halls have now finally been sold. As was explained quite some time ago, the condition of the halls was such that a huge sum of money would have been needed to make them usable in terms of Health and Safety and for Insurance purposes. The parish is still looking at a very major outlay to be able to re-roof the church. The money from the sale of the halls, although less than we might have expected, will go some way towards accumulating the capital needed for the refurbishment of the church.



The Archdiocese has arranged for each parish to have a special QR code. This allows people to make donations to the parish by using their phone, tablet, etc. The code is displayed at the back of the Church. It is also accessible on the front page of the website. Visitors are others who may not have cash with them can now easily make a donation to St. Joseph's. We are always grateful for financial support for the work of the parish. 



The Food Bank is most grateful for the ongoing support of parishioners, and greatly appreciates the volunteering work carried out by several parishioners who give of their time to help the Food Bank operation. Around 80 families and individuals are helped every week, being provided with a five-day supply of food. Tinned Fish, Meat, Vegetables and Tomatoes are most needed this month. A full list of food needed is on the church noticeboard. Food can be left in the church porch and a Food Bank Volunteer will uplift. 


Prayers are Requested



For all the Sick of the Parish and those for whom our prayers have been asked: 

Sinclair (Jim) Fowlis, Pam McCann,  Jenny Rodgers, Maxine Widdop, Fiona Louden, Marlyn Cutler, Iain McDonald


Recently Deceased 

Stephen Kelly, Pat Courtney, Lisa Jayne Joyce, Jack Kerrigan, Cathie Trainer, Douglas Clarkson, Stephen Horan, Margaret Anne Stewart, Pat Gough, Roddy McCafferty, John Pilkington, Margaret Dunlop, Tony Leonard, Ngo Thi Duc Agnes, Nguyen Thi Tan Catherine, Tony Tommaso, John McEwan, Mary Gillies, Bernard Martin, Tony Dunbar, Dr.Jenny Trust, Mary Berbadette Thomas David Connor, James Dufficy,Lauren Brophy


Month's Mind - Tony Reitano, Oreste Reitano.



Michael McGinley, Marie Finnighan, John and Felix McCann, Paul Lafferty, Jacqueline Miller, Ken and Irene McLean, Kathleen Walsh, Grant Family, Michael James McManus, Jack McGavigan, George Mundie, Tricia Mercer, James Mercer, Angus Ritchie



Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. May they rest in peace. Amen.




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