St. Joseph's Helensburgh
41, Lomond Street, Helensburgh G84 7ET (Tel 01436-672-463)
Parish Administrator: Rev. Fr. Gregory Zungdet
E-mail: stjoseph.helensburgh@rcag.org.uk
Masses: Vigil, Saturday at 6pm; Sunday, 11am
Weekday Mass: Usually Monday - Friday at 10am
Confession - each day before mass or other times by arrangement.
Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time - 9th February 2025
It was lovely to see so many people at our Family Mass and coffee morning last Sunday and the children's contribution was particularly welcome.
The next Family Mass will be on Sunday 2nd March.
February 11th is World Day of the Sick, instituted in 1992 by Pope St John Paul II, who chose this ate to coincide with the memorial of Our Lady of
Lourdes. This special day now offers us an invitation to remember all those who are unwell, to give thanks for the work of carers and
healthcare professionals, and to consider how our Christian faith calls us to respond.
We are in the process of re-introducing a rota for Eucharistic Ministers to serve at the weekend masses in St Joseph's. If you have been commissioned as an Extraordinary Minister of the Eucharist and would like to join the rota, please contact Fr Greg either in person (providing your email address) or via the parish email.
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament continues each Tuesday and Thursday from 9am until the 10am Mass.
If you have any notices for the bulletin or noticeboard, please send them to parish email address (see above) or give to Fr Greg no later than Thursday of each week.
Anyone wishing to order a copy of the new missal can do so via the Piety stall. Please be aware that demand across the country is high and so we are not expecting any more deliveries until February. Thank you for your patience.​​​​​​​​​​
If you have any spectacles which are no longer needed, please consider donating them and giving others the gift of sight. There is a box in the foyer to collect them Thank you.
Last month 264 Food Bags were distributed to single and family households, all experiencing food poverty. Each bag contained five days supply of food. Most needed this month are: cartons of long life milk and tins of vegetables, pulses, tomatoes and fruit. A full list is on the Noticeboard in the church porch. Grateful thanks for your continuing support for the Food Bank.​​​​​​
We remember in our prayers​​
all the sick of the Parish, including Janice Keeper, Margaret Cavana Mckechnie, Maxine Widdop, Lesley O’Neill, Janet O’Neill, Grace Dunn.
the recently deceased, especially Peter Long, Paul Crombie, Jim Garry, Margaret (Jo) Martin, Marcelle Louise Merrigan, Angela Fazzi, Ronnie Giarchi.
all those whose anniversaries occur about this time, especially Ann Mundie, Peter Mundie, Mary Mundie, Carol Campbell, Harry Moffatt, Bridget and Dominik Welsh, Helen Vance, Fr. Andrew Hosie, Sheena McQuillan, Fred Turner, Rev. Peter Joachim McGinley, Rose Gaughan, Thomas McGrath.